Humble Pie and a Belly Laugh
(My dad used to say we take ourselves way too seriously and by laughing at ourselves can we change our day, but when we give others...

Candy Kisses Soothe All
I loaded the dogs and opened the passenger-side window, irritated by the oppressive heat of the day, the fact I had no AC and the...

Ranch Lingo
Ranch kids grow up with a certain dialect of their own that is a series of sayings that have broader meaning. Some with humor, some with...

This Letter Sent to Heaven
In Loving Memory for my friend, and friend to so many, Emil Luedecke. You are missed. I dusted of my notepad, and gathered up my...

I Hope You Dance
It was my first memory of weightlessness, of gliding, while spinning effortlessly around the room weaving in and out to the rhythm of the...

A Place in my Heart
Today I visited a place where time stands still; a place to forget about the troubles of the day; to let wonder and imagination take...

Rescuing Ralph
“It’s gonna be okay buddy; I have to go now.” His frail frame hard pressed against me, his paws clutched around my waist and his head...

Is love enough for your dog?
As I travel in an out of people’s homes and lives, (and those of their dog’s), I have yet to come across one person that doesn’t love...

Tulips 1946
Last week I received flowers from Pappos (my grandfather), and the crazy part is he’s been gone now for almost 33 years. Now let’s drift...

Mindspace Matters
“The Hell you say,” he chibed with a twinkle in his eye. He smiled and stepped into my personal space, tipped his weathered Stetson...