One Friend, No Fireworks Needed
It’s Friday morning of 4th of July weekend. I’m snuggled in on the couch, warm rice-bag to soothing the demons in my belly, and I’m …..

Trimline Meetings
(For those of you not familiar with the Trimline phone you may want to Google it, as it was iconic in its day. Hardwired, the keypad was...

It wasn’t about glass slippers or the beautiful gown, but instead my love for Cinderella’s story was rooted in her fairy godmother. Her Fair

Jump then Howl for Sprouts
“I jumped over it and you ate it,”probably wasn’t the right choice of words, but it’s all that came to mind that predawn morning as we...

A Bull at the Ball
February 4, 2022 Maybe it was the napkins folded like wagon wheels at the Cafe, or my first glimpse of sleeveless sweater vests and...

Finding Punxsutawney
It was Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016, just another rainy day during lambing season in Scio, Oregon. With bums fed, droppers sorted off the big

Throwing Caution to the Wind
January 27, 2022 by Ellen Nieslanik (Simply defined a gymkhana is competitive games on horseback.) Never run your horse to the barn. It...

Spontaneous Wonder
January 18, 2022 By Ellen Nieslanik At first I thought I may have mumbled or spoken too quickly, given the far away look in his eyes when...

Frogs and Famous Last Words
By Ellen Nieslanik, January 9, 2022 “Can we keep him; puu-leeeeeeaaaazze?” There stood four year old Sam, soaked from the waist down in...

How Can I Carry All This?
by Ellen Nieslanik, January 5, 2022 There he is again, my truest heart ♥️ Like a ray of sunshine At my bluest blue On my darkest day With...