Just an Ordinary Day
It was just an ordinary morning, not much different than any since I’d arrived in Meeker two months ago from Ireland. There were chickens

One Friend, No Fireworks Needed
It’s Friday morning of 4th of July weekend. I’m snuggled in on the couch, warm rice-bag to soothing the demons in my belly, and I’m …..

It wasn’t about glass slippers or the beautiful gown, but instead my love for Cinderella’s story was rooted in her fairy godmother. Her Fair

Is love enough for your dog?
As I travel in an out of people’s homes and lives, (and those of their dog’s), I have yet to come across one person that doesn’t love...

Tulips 1946
Last week I received flowers from Pappos (my grandfather), and the crazy part is he’s been gone now for almost 33 years. Now let’s drift...

Is love enough for your dog?
As I travel in an out of people’s homes and lives, (and those of their dog’s), I have yet to come across one person that doesn’t love...

Stepping out then in by fostering
“Do you remember when you said you might be willing to take on a foster dog?” she asked. The voice on the other end of the line was my...

Letting go of my herd
Letting go of something you love is painful especially when intellectually you understand why it's not good for you, but emotionally and

Dear Dad - Happy 90th Birthday
Dear Dad, I write to you in honor of your 90th birthday on June 7th. You've been on my mind and ohhhh how I'm missing you. Each year...

Farm Footnotes from Fish Hatchery Drive
The anticipation was tight in my chest as we turned east onto Fish Hatchery Drive that hot August afternoon in 2012. I leaned forward...